Sophie May – a rising star

8th January is a cold, rainy, unpleasant day. Adrian (the famous music lover) and I travel to the Absolute Music Studio in Poole.
The angle of Adrian’s eyebrows speaks volumes so I keep my thoughts to myself. Monotony and predictability in our lives are necessary evils and although they provide security and safety they rarely nourish our souls. 
But music does. 
The Absolute Music Studio organises open gigs most Sundays to promote talent. Inside, the cafe is surprisingly cosy and full of musicians and their groupies . The stage is lit by colourful lights and the atmosphere is exuberant. The bar serves espresso coffee in the cutest espresso cups possible.

Adrian and I are here to support Sophie May. 

Sophie May is a young, beautiful girl. She works full time in a demanding managerial job during the week. She also sings and dances. She practices every day after work. Her family are very supportive and her boyfriend Leon is devoted to her musical career. They are all among the expectant audience. 

Now it is Sophie May’s turn. She is introduced, a moment of silence and off she goes. Oh my God, this girl is the real deal. Her voice is powerful, she radiates effortless creativity and exhibits an  amazing combination of passion and control. The magic happens and the audience is captivated. 
Behind her impressive performance are years of training and development. Sophie May’s grandmother lived her whole life on stage and her love for music and dance was infectious. Sophie was 2 years old when her grandmother encouraged her to appear on stage in the performance of Bad Day at Black Frog Creek. That was followed by joining the Stage Door School of Dance and Drama at the age of 3 followed by singing tuition with a teacher from Absolute Music from the age of 10. 

Sophie’s portfolio includes performing as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, show casting on the stage in the Bournemouth Pavilion Pantomimes, singing at Madding Crowd Club, Bournemouth and St.Peter’s Church, Parkstone, Poole. 
Sophie sings her three songs: “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys, “Make you feel my love” by Adele and “Always remember us this way” by Lady Gaga.  The audience is clapping and cheering. Adrian is smiling and on the way home we are chatting happily about music, musical genres, great singers and the pleasure of witnessing a young and very promising talent. 
I once asked Sophie about the path ahead of her and she did not hesitate for a second “ to follow my dream”. I would not be surprised if the dream leads to the West End stage. Sophie knows that she has a talent and nurturing and developing it is something she owes to herself. She does not want to look back on her life and regret that she did not give it her best. 
I want so much to tell her that the dream journey, the journey of personal growth as part of joie de vivre is wonderful and the concept of “failure” is impossible.
Because life is about being alive not about just being. 


  1. Nina, very eloquently described. Good luck to Sophie on following and realising her dream.

  2. Good luck Sophie. Nina very lovely especially your final words x

  3. Gorgeous words Nina. Sophie your amazing xxx

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