Mercury as a ruler of astrology

I should not blow my own trumpet but it does feel good to do so. 

During my astrology study I have often heard that astrology is ruled by Uranus. Even though some arguments could be made in this direction, personally I am hesitant to accept this statement as being the whole story.

Perhaps people repeat this tired stereotype without really thinking it through or they are compelled  by the flattering image of the astrologer as an unorthodox genius. 
In my opinion, a strong case could be made that astrology is ruled by Saturn and Mercury. Recently I have written about Saturn’s rulership of astrology in my post “Why could Saturn rule astrology?“ 

Meanwhile Mercury went retrograde and the rear event of Jupiter’s conjunction with Uranus in Taurus occurred. It brought about a big crises in my faith in astrology.
Fortunately, Mercury turn direct two days ago and I decided to listen to one of my favourite astrologers Rick Levine talking about the houses in the chart. 
Amazingly, he confirmed that astrology could be governed by Saturn and Mercury. He also talked about modern astrology, the astrology of nowadays and the future.
With this encouragement I will proceed to share my thoughts about the possibility of Mercury being an astrological governor. 
My main arguments are based on the neutral nature of Mercury and its acceptance and easiness with paradoxes. 
Mercury is impartial. Mercury does understand that basic astrological elements such as planets, signs, houses and aspects do not exist on the shaking ground of “good” and “bad`’, “benefic” and “malefic”, “feminine” and “masculine”, “positive” and “negative”. 
He deals with data without entering  into the disputable areas of morality and outdated classifications. 
Yet, remember, Mercury is the God of communication and learning including divination. 
He was the only God who could go to the underworld, traveling with the souls across the River Styx and come back.
Mercury understands that paradoxes are the essence of life. 
Paradoxes can make it exciting. Paradoxes can make it hard. 
Paradoxes make “putting people into boxes” redundant. 
Mercurial genius thrives on the ability to find the common ground between polarities, unfamiliarities, unknown terrains and to suggest feasible solutions or at least workable explanations and directions. 
Astrological art highlights the paradoxes in the chart, tries to make sense of them and to take guidance from them. 
Astrology is stratospherically more than producing long lists of key words, explaining what the single elements mean or using the last technological tool. 

It seems that the question of how well astrologers see and explain the charts’ paradoxes have significant weight.
I believe a high degree of virtuousness is a rare quality and in my experience only a few astrologers and teachers have achieved it. 
The good news is that when they have acquired the mastery in question they cannot hide it. It works like magic.
Someone will argue that it is the strike of Uranus. 
Maybe, but I doubt it. 
That is Mercury giving you the message to embrace paradoxes and even to try to make friends of them.  

“Even the stars think I am superior”

I was researching for my article “Why could Mercury be a ruler of astrology?” when I came across a relatively recent Swedish survey about the correlation between the belief in astrology, intelligence and personality traits. 


The conclusions of the survey confirmed the thoughts I was having all along since my journey through astrology began. Coincidently, my March visit to an astrological “conference” in London provided me with empirical evidence for the likelihood of the survey suggestions.


In a nutshell – the study found that strong predictive factors of a deep belief in astrology are narcissism and low intelligence. 


The survey included 264 participants, most of them (87%) young women between 25 and 34 years old. They were recruited through social media (Facebook). The team acknowledged the limitations of the survey design (lack of random sampling, limited age and gender group, lack of information about the level of astrological knowledge and a short version of the scales used). They also indicated that more data should be obtained and analysed in the future. 


However, the results of the survey are important for all of us who have an interest in astrology. 


Firstly, the link between belief in astrology and low intelligence really appears biased. How could exceptional mathematicians, physicists and astronomers such as Ptolemy, Newton, Copernicus, Kepler and Einstein who were fascinated by astrology be called people of low intelligence?! They definitely and absolutely were not. 


Where is the catch then? It is in the lack of critical thinking. Astrology’s “pop” face is the columns in the lifestyle and fashion magazines and websites, the predictions on YouTube, the endless online astrological courses, etc. Nothing wrong with all of that if you take these forms as entertainment and small talk. People try to make money, so the more simplistic it is the better. We all want to hear exceptional, dramatic, positive predictions especially in moments of uncertainty and public or personal crises and decisions. 


However, in my opinion everyone must wear the hat of a critical thinker when it comes to astrology. You need to have knowledge of mathematics, physics, astronomy and psychology in order to understand the astrological tradition and not to accept foolishly what is thrown at you. For example, are you going to give credence to the shallow categorising of people by their Sun sign and avoid the complexity and vagueness of the astrological symbols? Do you think the astrological theory of planetary dignities and debilities have a place in the 21st century or we need to rethink it?


Secondly, the strongest indicator of a deep belief in astrology is a narcissistic personality. The authors of the survey  gave some possible explanations of the phenomenon – the “self-centred worldview, the cultural aspects of millennials which may emphasise the uniqueness of individuals, the positively framed astrological predictions”. 


I was not at all surprised by this finding in the study. Attend any astrological conference, school, classes, retreats and online readings and you will find the narcissists telling you who you are and how you must live your life. You cannot help yourself thinking that if they are so good at reading the planetary energies and riding their waves why are they not the richest, happiest, most successful people in the world. Instead, in front of you is someone who could do better with their personal grooming, improving their language and speech and who could present new perspectives instead of repeating cliches. 


Maybe the stars choose who they speak to. 

Why could SATURN rule Astrology?

The straightforward answer is because astrology is a practical dream. And practical dreams are ruled by Saturn. 
When you go out on a clear night and look up at the sky with its beautiful and mysterious stars you can easily spot (with an unaided eye) a non-twinkling point of light – that is Saturn. 
If you go further and use binoculars or a telescope you can see the rings of Saturn and at least the biggest one of its moons called Titan. 
You may think that as a planet which has such a bad reputation in “pop astrology” Saturn portrays  doom and gloom in astronomical photographs. 
Brace yourself for a huge surprise. 
Saturn is the most photogenic planet in the solar system. It has a golden glow, its tilt and rings are unique and magnificent and its moons so pretty. 
Now, despite the picture quality of Saturn’s rings, they inevitably bring the idea of constraint and limitation. Cage can be a prison even if it is a golden cage. 
Let’s look deeper into the matter. 
Saturn is an old planet. It was formed 4.5 billion years ago when the whole solar system was built. 
Research* recently showed that the rings of Saturn are relatively modern – they were formed between 100 and 200 million years ago. 
* research by NASA, University of Durham, University of Glasgow
The scientific hypothesis** is that one of Saturn’s moons came very close to the planet and was completely destroyed. 
99% of the resultant debris “ended up swallowed by the giant gas planet”. 
The remaining pieces formed the rings. 
The researchers called the lost moon Chrysalis because it ”blossomed” into the rings as a chrysalis transforms into a butterfly.
 In other words “ Saturn does not ask you to give up your dreams just to make them real”***
** Jack Wisdom, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
*** Steve Forrest, Evolutionary astrologer
So, as restraining as they seem, structure and hierarchy have a great place in astrology. 

Look at the natal astrological chart. It is a structure – a wheel which is divided into 12 segments and every planet has a place in the segments. 

The angles divide the zodiac wheel into quadrants and the aspects rule the conversation between the planets. 
If you are a beginner in astrological study you need to go through the hierarchy of acquiring the astrological knowledge and skills.

You could not begin with learning about aspects or progressions if you do not know anything about planets, zodiac signs or houses and so on. 
Here it is another perspective – if you feel that astrological study is too hard and stop going somewhere in the ground or first floor of the building of astrological knowledge please do not assume that you are an astrologer. 
It is a proven fact that your knowledge and skills are shallow. 
This fact is not discouraging. It is a Saturnian fact about reality and personal responsibility. 
If you are happy to operate in the realm of superficial astrology then do it. 
It is scary to look never climb to the top floor but that is where Saturn has a golden glow and its rings are stunning. 
There is one more benefit of Saturn as a ruler of astrology. 
The serious and practical planet with a no nonsense approach to life helps you enormously to recognise and avoid self-proclaimed astrology teachers and gurus, “established” astrological schools, and professionals with “practice and clients”. 
Go for the best quality and pick Saturn as a strict but real master of making your dreams come true.

Take the road WELL traveled

A few months ago I disseminated some wisdom regarding effective ways of studying astrology. 
Since then I have made progress in reading the subject, so another portion of insights can be shared with the audience. 
To begin with, this article is based on my strong belief that there is no right or wrong way of studying astrology. You, the reader, can test and take only what resonates with you or you can be courageous and try something which is not so familiar.

I have never fully grasped the presumption that astrology is governed by Uranus. My hypothesis is that it is ruled by Saturn and Mercury (I will explain my arguments in the next article) therefore a  systematic approach to studying astrology is definitely needed. 
 The most direct way to guarantee it is to join a reliable, reputable school of astrology. 
Just be aware that studying astrology with this type of school requires money, time and consistent effort from you. Moreover, you need to supplement the school-study with diligent self-studying and practice.
Sounds gross! Yes, it is! It is hard and often it is overwhelming! The sunny days of learning about the planets and signs and houses are over and the first hurdle to jump is the interpretation of natal charts. 
The crucial tool in succeeding is to adopt a methodical, step-by-step process of understanding. Otherwise you will be lost and your interpretation could be inaccurate or inadequate.  
Good astrological schools not only teach you this type of systematic approach but they offer their students a certificate exam at this level. I highly recommend that every student of astrology takes it. 
Going through the examination is challenging and time consuming yet, it consolidates the astrological knowledge and skills acquired so far and prepares you for the next phase.
Additionally, it requires your intuition, imagination and creative writing throughout the process.
 Remember “A smooth sea does not make a skilled sailor”!
And then the big blows appear! Transits, Solar Return, Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc Directions techniques! OMG, they are really overwhelming. Finding a way to organise and prioritise the data is fundamental. Your teachers and mentors will provide you with possible methods and you can choose which one suits you. 

At this point in your study, if not earlier, you need to buy and use an astrological software. It is very beneficial but does not replace the reference to the Ephemeris if needed. 
You may think now “Everything appears as an uphill battle, where is the joy of studying astrology?”. It is there, believe me. The most joyful experiences could come from two sources – your teacher and your peers.
To my astonishment, when the teacher is the one who lives and breathes astrology she/he can create miracle moments of elation in the classroom. The inspiration stimulates  the student to keep going.
And last but not the least – your student peers are your big asset during the process. You meet like-minded people who are in the same boat as you. A warm feeling of camaraderie is created and there is always someone you can ask, complain to or support. 
Personally I enjoy it the most when the creative juices start flowing in the classroom – everyone is thinking, provoking, questioning, answering, analysing, synthesising. Experiencing such true and raw moments of creativity and ingenuity is a bliss. “When love and skills work together except a masterpiece”.

DOs and DONOTs if you want to study astrology

People turn to astrology for different reasons – curiosity, boredom, crisis, loss, looking for meaning, sense of belonging, etc. 

The tricky bit is how to proceed to astrological study. The chosen approach could make the journey fulfilling or the student could stumble and give up. 
                                                 So, my suggestions based on my personal experience are:
Studying astrology is hard work. It requires time and effort. 
You need to learn the basics – the language, the methods, the techniques. 
You need some knowledge of mathematics and physics, the ability to analyse and synthesise and to think critically and independently. 
No pain, no gain. So embrace Saturn (Mercury and Jupiter also)  in your natal chart and go for it. 




In my experience this DO is crucial. 
Your astrology teacher can make or break you or waste your time and money. 
Having a prime astrology teacher or school is 50% of the battle for quality education. 
The good news is that you can choose from many online or in-person options. The bad news is that you need to thoroughly research your options. Some points to remember during your searching:
a) being a professional astrologer does not guarantee a teacher of high standard.
b) do not waste time and money on paid seminars and webinars. They are usually a source of income for the astrologers.
c) however, do attend the promotional (especially online) seminars and webinars. They are free of charge and give you a chance not only to learn something on an interesting topic but to assess (to some extent) the quality of teaching.
That is the best part of studying astrology. 
The astrological community is global and vibrant. You can connect with local or international astrological groups on all social media platforms. 
If you want to go further (you do not need to) you can attend Summer schools, astrological conferences or astrological retreats. 
The experience is memorable and you learn as much from your astrological peers as from your teachers.




One of the paradoxes of studying astrology is that you do not conform completely to the chosen schools of thought.
 Explore the other genres of astrology, different styles, different points of view. 
That will keep you engaged for the rest of your life. 


At least not in the beginning. 
Actually, it is your choice – you could strike out and risk becoming a full time astrologer or you could take it slowly. 
Astrology is a great hobby. 
It helps you with self-discovery and self-development and it is also an excellent tool for social connection and  entertainment. 
I’m not saying studying astrology is very difficult, but it requires a bit more than popular study methods: open book, open laptop, open Netflix.

Astrological look at biohacking

Some people are sceptical about astrology as they find the mainstream explanations of the effect of the planetary events quite difficult to understand. In my opinion, some astrological descriptions lack good illustrated examples and therefore they have less value.  
 Having said that, let’s look at a particular planetary event and discover how it affects our mundane lives.
In May 2018 Uranus entered the zodiac sign of Taurus and is going to stay there until April 2026. On more personal level, Uranus passes my Taurus Ascendant at this moment making the cosmic affair very close to my heart. 
Uranus in Taurus gives us biohacking. 
What is biohacking?
The term has two components – bio and hacking. Bio refers to the body and nature – the realm of Taurus. Hacking is an eccentric even naughty activity connected with technology and computers – the kingdom of Uranus. 
So biohacking is an enterprise aiming to gain unauthorised access (Uranus) to the body system (Taurus). 
The term was suggested by Dave Asprey in 2010 (before Uranus entered Taurus) but biohacking began gaining widespread popularity after Uranus entered Taurus. 
Biohacking treats the human automatic nervous system controlling automatic body functions (Taurus), such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, salivating, food movement through intestines, as similar to a computer operating system which you could impair in order to gain control over it. 
Meanwhile, everyone else, including the system, assumes it runs in the previous, unaltered way. 
Biohacking aims to attain something seemingly impossible – good health with minimum effort. Impossible becomes possible by engaging the laziness principle of nature (Taurus).
How does the laziness principle work?


Biohackers (Uranus) take into account the fact that nature (Taurus) encourages the usage of energy only for the survival of the organism and the species. Energy is needed for food, fight and flight (dangers), and sexual reproduction. Apart from that the organism does not need to waste energy, and, could be lazy and comfortable (Taurus). 
Hackers know that the body’s automatic nervous system reacts to dangers more quickly than the brain. 
The opposite is also valid – if no danger, the body wants to rest and tells the brain that no effort is required. So the biohackers approach the body(Taurus) in a new way (Uranus) by inventing the “fast in”-“fast out” fix. 
An integral part of it is to establish the baseline of initial health measurements (Taurus) and to track the results as it goes. The most convenient way to do that is to use the iPhone apps (Uranus). 
By the way, do you know that before launching their company Apple Computers, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were selling illegal phone-hacking devices called blue box?
Biohacking strongly encourages you to experiment (Uranus) by finding what works for you. 
The first thing you must do is to find out which food (Taurus) enhance your health. 
Along the line you could try the free of charge biohacking methods such as cold showers, breathing techniques, chanting or you could visit the biohacking gyms where you could try the new wellness machines such as full body vibrator or the cryotherapy chamber that are based on the latest science and technology (Uranus), or you could even have them in the comfort (Taurus) of your own home. 
You get it!
Where is the money?
That leads us to another typical characteristic of Uranus in Taurus – the new way of making money. 
Biohacking is a fast growing wellness industry. The biohacking market is estimated to reach $63 billion by 2028 having grown by 19% since 2021. Its expected growth rate through 2027 is 22.9%.  There is money (Taurus) to be made or spent by indulging in biohacking (Uranus). 
You could find other examples of Uranus in Taurus. Recently I shared a video of a robot-waiter (Uranus) delivering food (Taurus) in a restaurant in London. 
An established astrologer looked at the video and interpreted it as an example of Pluto in Aquarius! Wow! 
Pluto entered Aquarius in March 2023 and will stay in this sign until 11th  June 2023.
 I can see the relevance of both interpretations. 
Can you interpret biohacking as Pluto in Aquarius?
Still, I am going to embrace the cosmic energy and try one of the new biohacking gyms in London this summer.
 Do not forget Uranus is transiting my Taurus Ascendant. 
The experience will be reported!

“Still it (Earth) moves” and astrology

People who argue against astrology insist that its pseudoscientific nature is clearly evident by the fact that the ancient art of astrology is based on the geocentric model of the universe.  The argument is very convincing, especially in the light of the epic enlightenment fight against the medieval dogmas. 

The story of the battle between the geocentric and heliocentric models of the solar system involves three erudite men, the Catholic Church, its Inquisition, and a humiliating apology. 

In the beginning was a man called Claudius Ptolemy (85-165BC). He lived in Alexandria, Egypt, wrote in Greek and was a citizen of the Roman Empire. He was an exceptional mathematician, geographer and astronomer. He proposed a geocentric model of the universe. In it the Earth was the still centre of the solar system. The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Sun were revolving around it and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were orbiting the Earth beyond the Sun. 

Ptolemy was not the first astronomer to present a model of the universe. Three and a half centuries before him Aristarchus of Samos suggested a model where Earth was revolving around the Sun. Unfortunately, he was not able to prove his theory in strong contrast with Ptolemy whose model allowed accurate predictions of the planetary positions and solar and lunar eclipses. 

Therefore for the next 14 centuries the geocentrism was the dominant view of the universe. The Catholic Church had endorsed it as it aligned with the Holy Scriptures. 

Until a man dared to questioned it. His name was Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). He was a real Renaissance man – mathematician, astronomer, physician and diplomat. He spoke his native Polish and German, wrote in Latin, understood Greek and Italian. He studied at the University of Krakow, the University of Bologna and the University of Padua.

In 1514 he presented his heliocentric idea that the Earth revolves around its axis and at the same time orbits the Sun. Afraid of the reaction of the extremely powerful Catholic Church he agreed to publish his book “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres” at the end of his life and the legend goes that he woke up from his coma on his death bed just to see the book. 

It took 70 years for the Catholic Church to react to the book. In 1616 the Church issued a decree condemning the book and suspending it until it was corrected. 

17 years later another independent thinker called Galileo Galilei found new evidence for the heliocentric theory. Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa (1564-1642) and became interested in astronomy when he was 31 years old. He used a self-made telescope to observe the sky and planets. He published his book “Dialogue Concerning the two Chief World Systems” in 1632 in which he indirectly supported the Copernicus theory.

The book angered the Church and Galilei withstood a trial in front of the Inquisition. He was threaten by torture and sentenced to life imprisonment. Another legendary story says that even though he agreed to conform, leaving the trial he said “ Still it (Earth) moves”. It became an iconic phrase which we say when we stand up for our truth in the face of dark forces.  

Scholars did not accept heliocentrism until 1687 when the remarkable scientist Isaac Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation. The law explained how gravity could cause the planets to orbit the massive Sun and why the small moons around Jupiter and Earth orbit their home planets. 

It took two century for the Catholic Church to remove the Copernicus book from the Index of Prohibited Books. In 1992 Pope John Paul II expressed regret at the way the Church handled the matter and acknowledged the error. 

So, where is the place of astrology in this story? The answer to this question is easy and simple. Astrology does not endorse the geocentric model as it seems to at first glance. Astrology is interested in how the planets and stars affect the life of people on planet Earth. The point of  astrological observation is focused on the Earth and therefore the Earth is in the centre of the zodiac.  Still it moves, doesn’t it! 



Find out who you are -Part 2

The best approach to the ancient art of astrology is to accept its advisory nature. Consequently, the possible reaction to astrological advice could vary from complete ignorance of the information to taking action (internal or external) upon it. It is a choice people make.

Nevertheless, if you are interested in the quality of astrological advice you need to ensure you are not at the receiving end of wrong advice. In order to do that you need to find out what your ascendant sign is. (What is the ascendant you could find in my post, Find who you are – Part 1).

Personally, it took me a long time to realise that popular horoscopes in newspapers and magazines, on the websites and YouTube channels are based on the ascendant signs and not on the sun sign as I and many others assumed. 

So, if you are like me and read your astrological sun sign predictions and complain that nothing predicted and anticipated happened, it is because you read the wrong forecast. You need to look at the prediction for your ascendant sign – for example, I have Taurus ascendant and Libra sun so I must read the Taurus horoscope, not the Libra one.

Astrology works with planets and connections between them, with zodiac signs and zodiac houses. All these parts are organised in a certain way in the birthday zodiac chart. The organiser is the ascendant. So, if you read that your 6th house of health and routines is governed by Venus or Mars it is because your ascendant sign is Taurus. Or if you are Leo ascendent your 7th house of one-to-one relationships will be ruled by Uranus. 

The system could be described as similar to your house. In your house there are private rooms such as bathrooms and bedrooms, living rooms for more public life, studies for work or hobbies and a basement and attic for secrets, memories and ghosts. But the most important part of the house is the outside door – you enter the house through this door. That is your ascendant – where you face the world and the world meets you. That gives the ascendant a vital quality, a very important characteristic. The ascendant shows how the world perceives us.

You must grasp the huge difference – the ascendant shows how other people see us not how we see ourselves. Between these two experiences lies a huge field of different perceptions. 

Take the recent case of Dominic Raab, the Deputy Prime Minister. He thought of himself as a tough master who implements crucial reforms. His subordinates and advisors however regarded him as a bully. (His a    scendant is Leo).

So, the ascendant sign could show us not only what people will say about us in private conversations or professional surveys but it indicates our blind spots in our interactions with others. Furthermore, the ascendant defines these first 30 seconds during which people form their impression of us. Will they like us or not? Our ascendant sign is to blame for the answer.

Find out who you are!

If you are happy reading popular horoscopes or you have a certain opinion about the scientific roots of astrology, you probably need to quit reading this post. Before saying “Good Bye” to you I would like to point out that Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were two of many distinguished scientists who were interested and practised the ancient art of astrology. 

Pop-astrology is primary based on the Sun signs. Sun signs depend on the birth month. Everyone could find their Sun sign and read their astrological forecast for the next day, week, month  or year. Sometimes predictions are fun and could resonate with something we have experienced or hope, most of the time they are vague and boring. 

My guess is that this brutal simplification of the ancient art of astrology happened for marketing reasons. Attracting readers is easy and efficient – everyone knows their day and month of birth.

Let’s think about it! There are 8 billion people on planet Earth and it appears there could be 670 million people with the same personality and destiny (assuming that every Sun sign has an equal amount of births) if we follow this logic. Furthermore, the Sun’s entrance to the signs is not fixed, it happens on different days during the years, therefore the birth year is important and you need to check your Sun sign – it could be different from the one you have always believed. Even further, in case you were born on the Sun sign-changing days which sign identity do you possess – one of the moving out sign or one of the entering into sign, or both?

It is obvious that other parameters are needed to specify the data. One of these parameters is the Moon sign. The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It takes it around 28 days to go through the zodiac, so, the Moon spends approximately 2.5 days in each sign. Locating the Moon sign narrows the alleged 670 million people with the same Sun sign to the much lesser group of people who have the same Sun and Moon signs. 

More data is needed for pinning down the Moon sign . This time that is the actual time of birth. Uncovering this data could be complicated. Some countries register the time of birth on the birth certificates (some states of the USA), some countries (UK) do not. Some parents and grandparents know the birth time of their children and grandchildren, some do not. Every known fact in this direction is helpful – maybe you know that you were born in the morning or afternoon or during the night, etc. In any case, an experienced astrologer will help you find out your time of birth through questionnaires for the major events in your life.

The actual time of birth is crucial because it defines the structure of your birth chart. The birth chart shows the exact positions of the planets in the sky when you were born. The first sign from which your birth chart starts developing is called the ascendant. Very importantly, the ascendant is changing every two hours in 24 hour period!

Now, your first, not complete but more reliable astrological picture appears as a result of identifying your Sun sign, your Moon sign and your ascendant. You are not an anonymous member of the 670 million people group and the authentic you starts taking shape.

Much more about astrology and what all these signs mean in the coming articles.